Alternatively, you can move your money into income drawdown, which means your pension money remains invested, and you can take taxable income from it as and when you want. If you do this without taking the 25% tax-free lump sum first, you can get 25% of each withdrawal tax-free. How does income drawdown work? Retirement Calculators. Retirement Drawdown. Back to Calculators. This calculator will help you to get an idea of how long your portfolio will last after you retire. Obviously the outcome will depend on the actual returns the portfolio achieves but you, in conjunction with your adviser, will need to make assumptions about the earning rate on You just used my Savings Calculator and found that you will have $2,582,947.50 (between your taxable account and IRAs) in 25 years. You are also contributing to a 401(k) and after using my 401(k) Calculator found it will be worth about $120,000 by the time you retire at 65. So, in 25 years you'll have saved about $2,702,947.50. You think you