Price volume chart jfreechart

I'd like to have a way to set a string value that could format both price and volume that I display on a chart, instead of having yCrosshair.setValue( (double)y ); or myXYplot.setRangeCrosshairV To draw volume and price in different plots, you have to use a CombinedDomainXYPlot. In the first subplot you draw you candles with a CandlestickRenderer and in the second subplot you draw volumes using BarsRenderer. Also you can add as many subplot you want to draw other indicators.

This tutorial describes various ways to incorporate JFreeChart in Java-based standalone and web-based applications. The tutorial is categorized into various chapters to provide a comprehensive and easy understanding of JFreeChart programming with Java applications. Before you start practicing the I have list of XYPlots which are subplots to CombinedDomainXYPlot. what is the best way to identify the each XYPlot ? for example, when i created. i have price chart as one subplot, volume as another. now when user decides not to see volume chart. so i need to hide. so i need to identify volume plot somehow from list of 2.12 Multiple Axis Charts JFreeChart has support for charts with multiple axes. Figure 2.21 shows a price-volume chart that demonstrates this feature. Figure 2.21: A price-volume chart This feature is supported by the CategoryPlot and XYPlot classes. Figure 2.22 shows an example with four range axes. Figure 2.22: A chart with multiple axes I'd like to have a way to set a string value that could format both price and volume that I display on a chart, instead of having yCrosshair.setValue( (double)y ); or myXYplot.setRangeCrosshairV To draw volume and price in different plots, you have to use a CombinedDomainXYPlot. In the first subplot you draw you candles with a CandlestickRenderer and in the second subplot you draw volumes using BarsRenderer. Also you can add as many subplot you want to draw other indicators.

Candlestick chart with SegmentedTimeLine not working if the data set start at Monday. I wonder if other folks have the same issue. The Candlestick chart will show, but the candlestick is displayed as vertical lines and the volume is not shown. A test case is to display a candlestick chart for a stock from 2008-10-12 (Monday) to 2008-11-12.

Hi David, I have used JFreeChart over a number of years on several projects and prefer it to the commercial products such as JChart. My main reason for this preference is the richness shown both in the variety of the available charts and in the way in which the charts can be tailored. I'd like to have a way to set a string value that could format both price and volume that I display on a chart, instead of having yCrosshair.setValue( (double)y ); or myXYplot.setRangeCrosshairV 2.12 Multiple Axis Charts JFreeChart has support for charts with multiple axes. Figure 2.21 shows a price-volume chart that demonstrates this feature. Figure 2.21: A price-volume chart This feature is supported by the CategoryPlot and XYPlot classes. Figure 2.22 shows an example with four range axes. Figure 2.22: A chart with multiple axes * A demonstration application showing how to create a price-volume chart. public class PriceVolumeDemo1 extends ApplicationFrame { * Constructs a new demonstration application.

2.12 Multiple Axis Charts JFreeChart has support for charts with multiple axes. Figure 2.21 shows a price-volume chart that demonstrates this feature. Figure 2.21: A price-volume chart This feature is supported by the CategoryPlot and XYPlot classes. Figure 2.22 shows an example with four range axes. Figure 2.22: A chart with multiple axes

@nicolas, I was referring to the Java codes within the Exemple144_JFreeChart_Candlestick_Chart as scripts. I've been using NetBeans for my PHP applications for sometime now and I know it is an IDE for Java, C++, PHP, etc. Nov 28, 2011 16 Exporting Charts to Acrobat PDF. 105 .. java -jar jfreechart-1.0.14-demo.jar .. Step one requires us to create a dataset for our chart. I have list of XYPlots which are subplots to CombinedDomainXYPlot. what is the best way to identify the each XYPlot ? for example, when i created. i have price chart as one subplot, volume as another. now when user decides not to see volume chart. so i need to hide. so i need to identify volume plot somehow from list of Candlestick chart with SegmentedTimeLine not working if the data set start at Monday. I wonder if other folks have the same issue. The Candlestick chart will show, but the candlestick is displayed as vertical lines and the volume is not shown. A test case is to display a candlestick chart for a stock from 2008-10-12 (Monday) to 2008-11-12.

JFreeChart is a comprehensive free chart library for the Java(tm) platform that can be For most usage, this should improve performance (but at the cost of using fixed broken JPEG export;; fixed title size problems;; various other bug fixes; 

2.12 Multiple Axis Charts JFreeChart has support for charts with multiple axes. Figure 2.21 shows a price-volume chart that demonstrates this feature. Figure 2.21: A price-volume chart This feature is supported by the CategoryPlot and XYPlot classes. Figure 2.22 shows an example with four range axes. Figure 2.22: A chart with multiple axes I'd like to have a way to set a string value that could format both price and volume that I display on a chart, instead of having yCrosshair.setValue( (double)y ); or myXYplot.setRangeCrosshairV To draw volume and price in different plots, you have to use a CombinedDomainXYPlot. In the first subplot you draw you candles with a CandlestickRenderer and in the second subplot you draw volumes using BarsRenderer. Also you can add as many subplot you want to draw other indicators. Volume-by-Price is an indicator that shows the amount of volume for a particular price range, which is based on closing prices. Volume-by-Price bars are horizontal and shown on the left side of the chart to correspond with these price ranges. @nicolas, I was referring to the Java codes within the Exemple144_JFreeChart_Candlestick_Chart as scripts. I've been using NetBeans for my PHP applications for sometime now and I know it is an IDE for Java, C++, PHP, etc.

Is there sample source code to build Price and volume chart? I have found some but all are related to old version of Jfreechart. Thank you in 

To draw volume and price in different plots, you have to use a CombinedDomainXYPlot. In the first subplot you draw you candles with a CandlestickRenderer and in the second subplot you draw volumes using BarsRenderer. Also you can add as many subplot you want to draw other indicators. Volume-by-Price is an indicator that shows the amount of volume for a particular price range, which is based on closing prices. Volume-by-Price bars are horizontal and shown on the left side of the chart to correspond with these price ranges. @nicolas, I was referring to the Java codes within the Exemple144_JFreeChart_Candlestick_Chart as scripts. I've been using NetBeans for my PHP applications for sometime now and I know it is an IDE for Java, C++, PHP, etc. Nov 28, 2011 16 Exporting Charts to Acrobat PDF. 105 .. java -jar jfreechart-1.0.14-demo.jar .. Step one requires us to create a dataset for our chart. I have list of XYPlots which are subplots to CombinedDomainXYPlot. what is the best way to identify the each XYPlot ? for example, when i created. i have price chart as one subplot, volume as another. now when user decides not to see volume chart. so i need to hide. so i need to identify volume plot somehow from list of Candlestick chart with SegmentedTimeLine not working if the data set start at Monday. I wonder if other folks have the same issue. The Candlestick chart will show, but the candlestick is displayed as vertical lines and the volume is not shown. A test case is to display a candlestick chart for a stock from 2008-10-12 (Monday) to 2008-11-12.

Stock Price Volume chart. A discussion forum for JFreeChart (a 2D chart library for the Java platform). 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. George.Dawoud Posts: 6 I could not find a "CombinedXYPlot" under org.jfree.chart.plot I do find 1. CombinedDomainXYPlot and 2. CombinedRangeXYPlot Hi David, I have used JFreeChart over a number of years on several projects and prefer it to the commercial products such as JChart. My main reason for this preference is the richness shown both in the variety of the available charts and in the way in which the charts can be tailored.